Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Downward-Spiral-of-Defiance

The Downward Spiral of Defiance

by Charles R. Swindoll

Proverbs 5:21-23
Talk about going from bad to worse. Defiance is the classic illustration. First, defiance begins with carnal attitudes. Long before there are carnal actions, there are carnal attitudes. It can happen to adults just as quickly as it can to teens or kids. Perhaps it would help if I spelled out a few of the attitudes by describing some actual thoughts in the minds of the defiant.

The first thought says: "I want my own way." Those who are defiant aren't interested in your way, or God's way. "I want my way." That is an attitude of selfishness.

The second thought says this: "I won't quit until I get it." That is an attitude of stubbornness. "I want my way, and I want it when I want it. I will not quit until I get it." That's just plain obstinance; that's stubbornness.

Third: "I don't care who it hurts." In other words, "I want my way. I won't quit until I get it, and I don't care who it hurts---husband, wife, peers, parents, kids, the team, my church---I don't care. I'm gonna get my way." That is an attitude of indifference.

Fourth: "I refuse to listen to counsel." Obviously, that is an attitude of resistance. "I know God has something to tell me, but I don't want to hear what He's got to say." Or, "I know what He's going to tell me---I know what that Book says. I don't want to listen to God's counsel." That's resistance.

Fifth, and finally: "I am not concerned about the consequences." That's contempt. Pushed to the wall, this extreme reaction includes ignoring the consequences---a total lack of concern for the results.

"I want my own way. I won't quit until I get it. I don't care who it hurts. I will not listen to counsel. I am not concerned about the consequences." Those are the words of a defiant person. And they can come from our lips just as readily as from a person without Christ. They represent selfishness and stubbornness and indifference and resistance and contempt. As I mentioned earlier, defiance begins with carnal attitudes.

Continuing the downward spiral, the second inescapable reality about defiance is this: Defiance leads to personal misery. The defiant person wants freedom, but he finds himself captured. He wants his own way, but he finds himself ensnared by the restrictions that misery brings.

Look at Proverbs 13:15 and you'll see a pretty good illustration or statement of that kind of misery. I want to examine two particular terms:

Good understanding produces favor,
But the way of the treacherous is hard.

The word treacherous is translated from the Hebrew verb that means "to deal treacherously or defiantly." The way of one who deals in defiance is hard. Interesting term. It means "to be perpetual, steady, constant, ever enduring, rugged." The etymology of the term finally leads to "ruggedness." The way of the person who deals in defiant thoughts and actions is perpetually rugged, hard, and miserable. Defiance leads to personal misery.

There is a third stage on this downward spiral:

Defiance results in inescapable bondage. Those most defiant are most bound, not free.

For the ways of a man are before the eyes of the LORD,
And He watches all his paths. (Proverbs 5:21)

That's quite a thought. But the next two verses complete the picture:

His own iniquities will capture the wicked,
And he will be held with the cords of his sin.

He will die for lack of instruction,
And in the greatness of his folly he will go astray.

Look at that! The "cords" from one's own defiance will wrap themselves around the victim and will cause him or her to be inescapably bound up. In the margin of my mind I have written "Samson," who was literally bound with the cords of his own sin---unconquered lust.

Frankly, I'm much more concerned about "acceptable" defiance than bold defiance. Why? Because that's what happens more often than not. We cover up. We hide our defiance. We sit on the lid. But, sure enough---given sufficient pressure---something eventually snaps.

Your defiance will come out in the most amazing ways: a battered child; a crime of passion; a blistering tongue-lashing; running away from home; an illicit pregnancy; an ugly, caustic line of profane words; an affair; domestic disharmony; a ruined testimony. I charge you before God to deal severely with this giant. It may be slumbering right now---but I warn you---not for long.

I would like you to think about your life for just a few moments. I'd like you to trace your actions and attitudes back a day or two, or maybe several weeks. Take a long, straightforward look at where you are. Are any signs of defiance there? "I want my own way. I won't quit till I get it. I don't care who it hurts. I refuse to listen to counsel. I'm not concerned about consequences."

My friend, those are dangerous words. If they are there in your head, you're on a powder keg that's going to explode. Your stress fracture will soon become a compound fracture. I ask you to find the hope of forgiveness in Jesus Christ. He is there, and He awaits your turning all that turmoil over to Him . . . that hot cauldron of resentment. The longer it boils, the more lethal it could become.

Don't rationalize and say, "Well, that's just the way I am." Call it what it is and say, "Lord, I come to You in my need. I need You to take it, take it now."

This devotional is part five in a five-part series.

Excerpted from Stress Fractures, copyright © 1990 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Clock Goes Click...Click...Click...

As I was reading Ephesians 1 3-14.

I began seeing a picture of a clock Ticking and a meaningful impression (Metaphoric) in which I share below to go with it.

As if we were the clock: and the clock's second hand was clicking from second to second, and running correctly for the purpose it was made for. CLick...Click...Click...

But if the battery is bad or its not plugged in, the clicking would stop( not listening to Gods word or the Holy Spirit ) or we would allow something to get in the way and stop the hand from moving forward ( things we put in front of God ) not able to do what we were made to do.

The list can be long, sometimes it’s just our old nature( our old way of thinking and living which is not God's way ) which he wants us to overcome, moving it out of the way, and be who we were predestined us to be. Clicking and working as we were made for. Click...Click...Click...

We should use what we have been given. And Keep removing anything that hinders us taking the steps ( clicks ) toward our predestined purpose.

We should allow him to work in us and through us. He Desires for us to Prosper and be in health, seeking his wisdom and understanding which is more valuable that gold or silver.

We should allow the Holy Spirit to help us be all the God has predestined us to be. And have Faith in God to do a great work in us, removing the old nature in us that hinders us from progressing in Gods plan for us.

We don’t have to stay the way we are. He has better plans for us. He wants us to be his masterpiece, uniquely special in every way.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Yellow Line

While Driving Down Life’s road (Can you see the Yellow lines or the white lines?)

The Rain comes down heavy sometimes. And if you can’t see which way to go, you can easily make the wrong choice which could lead you into a head on collision with a big truck. That would not be a good way to go.

Maybe you would swerve at the last minute and it’s only into the ditch you go, without any major damage. Or maybe just a few big bumps as you are fortunate enough to get back on the road. Who’s to know what’s around the next curve in our life.

Not having God in your life is like not even being able to see the edge of the road.

How many people say they don’t need any help when they are lost? They won’t stop and ask for help. (They Say that they can do by their self.)

Pride comes before the fall.

Tumbling down the hill, because you took a wrong turn and then you found out too late that the road was out, and down the hill you go.

It’s not very fun or comfortable Tumbling down, and even less comfortable when you try to straddle the fence, Wrong Thinking mixed with a little of God does not get you off of the fence.

We all need to understand and remember that there is an enemy that works against us. He will take you down the wrong roads that always start off looking good or feeling good, then all of a sudden he has you where he can have his way with you. (Because the enemy will trip you and trick you, to take you where you don’t want to go and keep you there longer than you want to stay. That’s his way!

When you choose to go your own way, you have said no to God. Telling him you can do it by yourself. Yes’ You can do it on your own, ignoring the yellow line. and maybe it wouldn’t be too late when you see the truck, but when its raining hard, you won’t even see the truck coming..

When you are saying no to God, you are saying no to his grace and his blessings.

Life is a lot harder when we do things our way.

Why is it that some people are very blessed in life while others never seem to get anywhere? In a message, Sunday at Church on the Move Pastor George examined the basis for success as described in Psalm 1. He taught: If we are going to flourish in life, we must choose right company, make right choices, and not be fooled by the wrapper of sin.

(This is a yellow line, Please, we know each of us have a free will to do what and when we want . But, we want you to know that we love you and want you to know when there is a truck around the next curve.)

" tHE mIND oF cHRIST "

Cor. 2:12 ,13 tells us that the Spirit of God has taken up residence in us. God has ‘implanted’ the mind of Christ in those who have accepted His Son as their Savior.
In some mysterious way we now have a capacity for divine wisdom that no scholarly degree or natural experience could ever provide. Having the mind of Christ enables us to see life increasingly from God’s perspective. This does not mean that we can think on God’s level and instruct Him, but it does mean that we have a new capacity to think and talk and act more and more like Christ.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

To Grow or not to Grow, that is the Question!

With the “opportunities” that are given, I want to be ”sensitive”, and “discerning”. I don’t want to forget about the freedom that has been given to me, which can be taken for-granted.
I want to think about what to say or do before hand. I can Choose to throw out the thoughts that don’t line up with Gods word, or not. the ones that won't benefit anyone. “Renewing the Mind “ to the word of God. Now that’s something to think about.
A few examples, like:“People perish for lack of knowledge”. “Forgive them for they know not what they do. ”
Remembering that I don’t want to be offended is sometimes easier said, but with the Lord’s help I can do it.
To go to church or not to go, is anything else is more important? Where do I learn what is right or what is wrong?
Just because we are full grown in size, does that mean that we are really fully grown.

Friday, August 7, 2009


Where did our thought take us today?
Did we work, or did we play?
Where was our focus today, and how did it start?

Were we early, or were we late?
Did we do what others would appreciate?
What kind of message to others, did we impart?

If Jesus is Lord, did we seek and obey?
Or, Did we just do things our own way?
Without even saying I love you Lord, from our heart.

Did we help someone along our way?
Or, think about about eternity?
Did we contribute to good, or help tear something apart?

A day goes by, from the beginning to the end.
Whether we made the right choices or we have sinned.
Will I will be thankful as a day goes by, allowing Jesus to fill my heart?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Don' Miss Out!

Don't miss out.
“Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!”
Psalm 34:8

He has giving to each of us the wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit. So Good is Jesus.
Everyday we have the opportunity to hear his voice, if we quite ourself, or position ourself to hear. The next thing, is then we have the opportunity to do. He is a gentleman and suggests things for our good and the good of others. He wont force us in any way.
While out of town, I went walking in a mall a few years ago which i usually don't do. I Heard his voice the first time and did, Then as I walked in front of a card shop I heard the suggestion to go in and buy your wife a card. I ignored this leading or suggestion and kept walking. As I walked back by the same shop just before leaving the Mall the suggestion repeated, why not go in and buy your wife a card. My thoughts came, which were: there is no reason to buy a card, no occasion to give one to her, my logical thoughts said to me. I didn't do what I heard clearly two times. I went home from my trip the next day. I looked it my sock drawer the following morning and guess what I found. A card from my wife for no logical reason. She listened and I didn't. I was blessed by her card, and learned a lesson because I had an opportunity to listen and do, but didn't.
I have had many similar times like this since that day. My Logic or The Holy Spirit, which do I listen to. Its always a blessing when we listen to Jesus through the Holy Spirit. And I always miss out when I don't.

" Higher Ground "

Have we moved to higher ground? A place where we can better see.
What does it take to get me moving? I have a typical attitude of wanting to be comfortable where I'm at, not thinking about seeing better, having a better understanding, or the wisdom I would gain along the way.
Are we supposed to keep moving up, or are we supposed to dig in and stay?
I have found out that we have to keep moving toward the "Higher Ground" our destiny. Keeping in mind we do need a time of refreshing along the way. But, Not getting too comfortable and want to stay. So, when I am clearing my path through the trees and the bushes of life, the opposition comes sometimes. Like encountering Lions, Tigers, or Bears, which could make us wonder why. But having Jesus as my friend enables me to make great progress, with joy and peace inside, I know I can make it now, and not allow temptation to cause me to slide.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Victory in Jesus

This morning awake early hearing the song in my head " Victory in Jesus " sung by
George Beverly Shea

Words and Music by E.M. Bartlett
© 1939 - Administrated by Integrated Copyright Group, Inc.

1 Corinthians 15:57
"But thanks be to God, which giveth us
the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."

Here is the Song

Victory In Jesus
I heard an old, old story,
How a Savior came from glory,
How He gave His life on Calvary
To save a wretch like me;
I heard about His groaning,
Of His precious blood's atoning,
Then I repented of my sins
And won the victory.

O victory in Jesus,
My Savior, forever.
He sought me and bought me
With His redeeming blood;
He loved me ere I knew Him
And all my love is due Him,
He plunged me to victory,
Beneath the cleansing flood.
I heard about His healing,
Of His cleansing pow'r revealing.
How He made the lame to walk again
And caused the blind to see;
And then I cried, "Dear Jesus,
Come and heal my broken spirit,"
And somehow Jesus came and bro't
To me the victory.

O victory in Jesus,
My Savior, forever.
He sought me and bought me
With His redeeming blood;
He loved me ere I knew Him
And all my love is due Him,
He plunged me to victory,
Beneath the cleansing flood.
I heard about a mansion
He has built for me in glory.
And I heard about the streets of gold
Beyond the crystal sea;
About the angels singing,
And the old redemption story,
And some sweet day I'll sing up there
The song of victory.

O victory in Jesus,
My Savior, forever.
He sought me and bought me
With His redeeming blood;
He loved me ere I knew Him
And all my love is due Him,
He plunged me to victory,
Beneath the cleansing flood.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Surely Get Wet

If I am not aware that it’s cold outside and don’t wear a coat when going out, I will surely get cold. If I don’t use an umbrella when I go outside when it's raining, I will surely get wet.
Sometimes we walk to close to edge of a muddy deep hole and if we are not aware we fall in, and we notice its spinning around and around, ( like a toilet flushing ) we can hardly see the top because we have fell in so deep ( we get caught up in our thoughts, feelings regarding the situation in front of us or around us, and sometimes both at the same time ) into our self perceived problems of life.( the Mud gets all over us and we feel like we are drowning)
Our loved one’s that see us there will try to help in there own way, If we let them. (some people don’t have loved ones.)
We are fortunate for all the love that’s in our family. 
A rope is thrown down…, but our hands are so slippery we can’t hold on, or we can’t even see that they are trying to help. Because we are (too caught up, entrenched in our bad thoughts and or feelings) we even hurt (Say or do Bad things to them) the ones that are trying to help, by pulling them down in there with us. They are trying to help but they get caught up as well. But thanks, be to God for those who will gather together (Pray and use Gods wisdom) and use a long Ladder making sure it’s anchored down so we can be reached. But we will still have to be able to get up the ladder, in which we will need strength, or strong loved ones to carry us. I thank God also for the strong loved ones who use the Godly wisdom that has been given them, and we are able to get out.
We need to continue to pray for one another.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How Things Work!

To most people this is not something that their interested in; But, to me its one of the most important things. I know that God made all of us different, to compliment one another, with different gifts and abilities. I like to help people understand. To do this I need to know myself, which requires lots of research and study time.
I like to learn and have clear understanding.
Getting and taking the time, with balancing my life, well that’s a whole different matter. My flesh & my emotions is something I desire to completly have control over.
I have to remember that (God will make a way even when there seems like there is no way.)
I like to design. Having an idea, (doing the research and work, which I sometimes would rather assign some of it to others) to bring about a plan and see it through unto completion. This brings me joy.
I also need to remember that there is a adversary out there working against me, In which I need some Left and Right Guards ( a football analogy ) so I can Throw the ball, and when I do throw it, I throw it the correct distance. Also I throw it accurately hitting the target. And knowing the ( Receiver) has to be in the open and ready, Praying that he will make it all the way ( making a touch down ) fighting that good fight of faith.
With some people though, it doesn’t work so well. We are Working with their desires, and their free will to choose to put their heart in it or not. When they haven’t completely made Jesus their Lord, and don’t understand how important it is to get to the other side, ( The Receiver ) so to speak, As if there are blinded to understanding. He so wants to shape and mold each one into that wonderful masterpiece he desires them to be.
Wanting to help in the process, being used of him to help them “ to know, and to grow “ ( As one Pastor used to say that recently went home to be with the Lord ). To be led by the Holy Spirit, not my flesh is so important to me. It’s the only way it really works well. So I need more and more of the word in me, more Godly wisdom and understanding. Being an A-type person is challenging sometimes.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Get in The Game

Faith without works, What does that mean to you?

This is what came to me when I was praying about it.

Team Effort, after we have Joined “ The Team “ we need to roll up sleeves so to speak, and get to work. Finding out what position to play, Share the gifts ( the Blessings ) we have been given with others. I been thinking in the terms of Football lately. I don’t want to be just a bench warmer ( Faith without Works ). What position does God want me to play, After consistently suiting up and going to practice it seems that after a while I am able to see better what positions I am gifted in to play. It doesn’t mean I can’t play other positions. Practice, Study ( Learn the Rules of the Game )and get them in my heart, Learn how the opposition works, Practice, Practice, Study ( Renewing My mind ), Play with my whole heart, Play to win…….Remember that each position is God’s most valuable player. I need to Have Faith in the Coach ( Our Lord Jesus ) and that the plans he has for me will always be what is best for me. I’m so glad that Jesus invited me to join the greatest game of all, and I choose to join the team in which I am now in training. Praise be to God!

Are you " Plugged In "

Have you ever had an electrical appliance that wasn’t working, and all that was wrong with it was that it wasn’t connected (plugged in) to the wall elec. outlet.

Friday, May 29, 2009

I Vote Blue

About 10 years ago I had a desire to explain to one of my sons how important it was to read the word, go to church, pray, and listen to the Holy Spirit, Etc.
What I believe the Lord gave me to help me explain to him was this.
I saw three vertical Lines, like a graph.( I use one to reflect a picture format of my sales for each year where I work.) One line was RED and it was called “Our Flesh” . The Second line was Yellow and it was called our “Mind-Intellect”. The third line was Blue and it was called “Our Spirit”. A question came with the three lines. Which one are you being led by? Which one is winning? If a person is not born again the Blue line is at the bottom, and when he invites Jesus into his heart the Blue line can start to grow. We feed our flesh all the time with so many things, food, entertainment, the list is endless. We feed our mind-intellect when we go to school and read books and things of that nature. Many sources are now available to us to "Feed our Spirit". But we have to choose to go after them. Our mind-intellect will team up with one or the other lines most of the time, but not always. Usually the one which is leading is the one we feed the most. So which one of the lines are we being led by. I truly want my blue line to win, so I need to feed it the word in any form that I can get it in.
Each one of us is special and wonderfully made. We should want to spend time in the word, allowing it to change us, so we can become what God predestined us to be.
We all have a choice to feed our red line which will cause us to sin, in which we can loose, or feed our blue one and win.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Deliverance From Corrupt Companions

Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask You to open the eyes of Andrea’s understanding, that she might not be deceived by the influence of corrupt and depraved people. Thank You for causing her to come alive and awakening her that she might return to sober sense and her right mind.

Father, I forgive her sins and come before You asking for mercy – mercy that triumphs over judgment. Thank You for drawing her to Yourself with cords and bands of love and for leading her to repentance with Your goodness. Then she will separate herself from contact with contaminating influences and cleanse herself from everything that would defile her spirit, soul, and body.

In the name of Jesus, I bind her mind to the mind of Christ, that she might live and conduct herself honorably and becomingly as in the open light of the day. I loose her from the wrong thought patterns of her former lifestyle that were controlled by a set of values inspired by the adversary, who misleads those who have not come alive to Christ.

I ask You to give her a willing heart, that she might be loyally subject (submissive) to the governing (civil) authority – not resisting nor setting herself up against them. She shall be obedient, prepared, and willing to do any upright and honorable work. She shall walk as a companion with wise men, and she shall be wise.

Andrea is pardoned through the name of Jesus and because she confesses His name. She is victorious over the wicked one because she has come to know and recognize and be aware of the Father.

As Andrea’s mind is renewed by the Word, the Word dwells and remains in her, and she dwells in the Son and in the Father always. God’s nature abides in Andrea. His principle of life remains permanently within her, and she cannot practice sinning because she is born of God. The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made Andrea free from the law of sin and death. Thank You, Father, for watching over Your Word to perform it, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

1 Corinthians 15:33, 34 Proverbs 28:7
2 Timothy 2:21 1 Thessalonians 5:22
2 Corinthians 7:1 1 John 2:12-16
Romans 13:13 1 John 2:21,24
1 Peter 2:1 1 John 3:9
Romans 13:1,2 Romans 8:2
Titus 3:1 Jeremiah 1:12
Proverbs 13:20

Standing on the Promises

No! we shall not be moved, as we wait, we know that our God has everything under control. Jesus came to give us a more abundant life. We believe as we speak. We know that all things work out for the good of those who love the Lord. I will Praise the Lord each day, for only he gives us the victory.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Dreams of the Heart

From an early age dreams grew in my heart. I allowed people or things to snuff some of them out before they ever got a chance to really grow. I put some of them on hold,setting them on a shelf somewhere, with intendtions of bringing them back to life one day. I wonder now, is there still hope for the dreams that used to be alive in my heart.

Friday, April 24, 2009

little bit of morning outside

You can't believe that a night could be
So dark and cold
A buried dream, a goal unreached
You've lost your hope
And your will to try is covered by
A full eclipse of the heart
Though your faith is low
Still the embers glow
can live from one small spark

There's a little bit of morning outside
There's a new beginning in the sky
It's been awhile, but now the time is right
To spread your wings and fly
Silent heart, sing a brand new song
The darkest time is just before the dawn
Weary soul arise, wipe the pain from your eyes
There's a little bit of morning outside

The hope He brought seemed all but lost
When they laid Him in the tomb
The dreams, the plans, the healing hands
Wrapped in death and gloom
But early Sunday morn the promise was reborn
At the breaking of the day
He was alive and well
Conquered death and hell
Because He lives now we can say

There's a little bit of morning outside
There's a new beginning in the sky
It's been awhile, but now the time is right
To spread your wings and fly
Silent heart, sing a brand new song
The darkest time is just before the dawn
Weary soul arise, wipe the pain from your eyes
There's a little bit of morning outside

The darkness for a moment
May hide tomorrow's light
Just beyond what eye's can see
The light of hope is bright

There's a little bit of morning outside
There's a new beginning in the sky
It's been awhile, but now the time is right
To spread your wings and fly
Silent heart, sing a brand new song
The darkest time is just before the dawn
Weary soul arise, wipe the pain from your eyes
There's a little bit of morning outside

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Wedding Ring

I woke up this morning before three am thinking about this past week end and what it meant.
Sunday April 19th my oldest Grandson Jonathan became seven years old. Two months ago he had told his parents Richard and Cynthia that he wanted to be baptized. I received an E-mail back then letting me know the news. I was very excited for him and my wife Cindy was also. We were invited to be there for his Birthday celebration and his Baptism celebration, which we thought was an honor to be invited. We made plans to go, and with my sister Eileen’s help we were able to go without having to bring two of our youngest grandchildren which we have guardianship. They are only 18 months and three years old. We took with us our son Hunter and our granddaughter Nichole.
We, in my family of Brothers and Sisters having a large family, celebrate birthdays often. We enjoy the time together as we honor the person having the birthday.
But, we did not go to church growing up. Each one of us, some in there teenage years, and some as adults have went to church. God knows each one’s heart and where each one is at, in there relationship with Christ Jesus. I share this to preface this next part.
Jonathan came to the understanding of knowing who Jesus is and invited him into his heart as his Lord and Savior, by going to church, and being taught by his parents, which gave him the opportunity.
Before the Baptism, the pastor said something which, I had heard before, but this time when he said being baptized was like wearing a wedding ring. We openly show to the public that we are married by wearing a wedding ring. And this is what being baptized is (openly showing) to the public, that you have a relationship with Jesus (like being married to Him), you love him, and that you want to live your life for and with him. I truly believe this.
I started thinking about when I got baptized, way back when I was 19 years old. Right after I got married the first time, which was in the fall of 1971. Even though my wife Debbie and I went through a short class before we got married, talking about the importance of marriage, it didn’t sink in. The marriage only lasted two years. The same thing happened when we started going to church shortly after we got married. I remember being emotional, crying, repeating the sinner’s prayer one Sunday morning. Debbie and I were baptized one the same day soon after, but it didn’t sink in. I didn’t have understanding, and I wasn’t reading the bible to help me understand. I only went to church for a few weeks after that, then I started working on Sundays and never thought about it again, until I was almost forty years old.
I took my wedding ring off twice in my life. The first time it was for selfish ambitions, wanting to be what I thought was happy, because I was trying to live without even knowing how. And the second time I took my wedding ring off is not because I wanted to. It was when I chose to live for Christ Jesus first, committed my life to Him, and not for me. I was reading the bible and getting a renewed mind with understanding. Then the next day I put the same ring back on, knowing that I live, and have life, because Jesus lives in me. I put my full trust in him and with in a short time after that day my wife and I started rebuilding our marriage, really living life, as we allow Jesus and his word to change us on the inside.
My wedding ring now represents to me, my commitment to Jesus and to my wife.

We only get one chance at life, and I can’t live my past over. But I will try to make my future count for good and the good of others.
I lived my life as I wanted to for forty years. When I heard the words of others telling me truths like those listed below from proverbs, I never listened. I thought that it’s ok for other people to follow the rules or laws, but I would only do it if I wanted to. I didn’t know then that people perish for lack of knowledge. And let me tell you, I had lack of knowledge. You say; why you didn’t listen? I tell you now, only because of what I have learned. It was selfish ambition and pride. Pride can really keep us from knowing the truth.

Most of you know that I have been using Powered by 4 on the internet, which is part of Back to the Bible Ministry and has been around since 1939.
We have been reading proverbs lately, and yesterday it was proverbs 6. And the part that was brought up first, was verses 27 and 28 (27 Can a man carry fire next to his chest and his clothes not be burned? 28 Or can one walk on hot coals and his feet not be scorched?) Then I read. 20 My son, keep your father’s commandment, and forsake not your mother’s teaching. 21 Bind them on your heart always; tie them around your neck. 22 When you walk, they will lead you; when you lie down, they will watch over you; and when you awake, they will talk with you. 23 For the commandment is a lamp and the teaching a light, and the reproofs of discipline are the way of life, 24 to preserve you from the evil. And Proverbs 7 says almost the same thing. 1My son, keep my words and treasure up my commandments with you; 2 keep my commandments and live; keep my teaching as the apple of your eye; 3 bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart.4 Say to wisdom, “You are my sister,” and call insight your intimate friend,

Proverbs: to me, like pages of Instructions for Life (Similar to instructions in learning how to use tools for a trade) Like using a hammer and nails, a seemingly simple Task, But, If I were going to learn how to use them, where or whom would I go to learn? How many fingers would I hurt while learning? How many nails would I bend as I practice? How many strokes will it take to drive the nail in, putting two boards together? And how much strength is required? What size of nails is required, and how do we choose? What is the correct amount of force or power required which will drive the nail to the correct depth? Does the hammer head need to be perfectly flat and centered with the top of the nail to get the results we want? Do we need a steady hand and good Perception of what is level and square? So many things to consider for seemingly a simple task, so I ask, how does that apply to me?

Studying Proverbs ( Tools from Gods Tool Box ) and other books from the word of God (our instruction manual for life ) helps me to learn about and how to use “Me” in Life, and in the world that I live in.
Every Day I practice being a Christian, like replacing the old nature with the new.
You think it would be as easy as putting on a pair of new shoes. But, it is a process, and is taking some time. I’ll get there if I stay on the right road.

Romans 12:2
2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will. ,

Monday, April 20, 2009

For This Reason

15For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, 16I have not stopped giving thanks for you….., remembering you……. in my prayers. 17I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you….., the Spirit[f] of wisdom and revelation, so that you….., may know him better. 18I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you….., may know the hope to which he has called you…..,, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, 19and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength, 20which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, 21far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the one to come. 22And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, 23which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.
14For this reason I kneel before the Father, 15from whom his whole family[a] in heaven and on earth derives its name. 16I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you….., with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you…..,, being rooted and established in love, 18may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you….., may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
20Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Throw the Life Saver March 17 2009

There is a lot of people in trouble,
and there is a lot of people too busy to care.
But, If there is a way to help them get in the boat,
I want to do what I can to try.
Some are carrying some truly heavy burdens
Some are carrying some large stones called Pride.
They are all in deep water trying to get to the other side.
Some don't even know what their in or how they got there.
They believed in someone who was always telling them lies.
So, What can I do to make a difference today. Blogging One
Day At A Time.