Thursday, August 20, 2009

Yellow Line

While Driving Down Life’s road (Can you see the Yellow lines or the white lines?)

The Rain comes down heavy sometimes. And if you can’t see which way to go, you can easily make the wrong choice which could lead you into a head on collision with a big truck. That would not be a good way to go.

Maybe you would swerve at the last minute and it’s only into the ditch you go, without any major damage. Or maybe just a few big bumps as you are fortunate enough to get back on the road. Who’s to know what’s around the next curve in our life.

Not having God in your life is like not even being able to see the edge of the road.

How many people say they don’t need any help when they are lost? They won’t stop and ask for help. (They Say that they can do by their self.)

Pride comes before the fall.

Tumbling down the hill, because you took a wrong turn and then you found out too late that the road was out, and down the hill you go.

It’s not very fun or comfortable Tumbling down, and even less comfortable when you try to straddle the fence, Wrong Thinking mixed with a little of God does not get you off of the fence.

We all need to understand and remember that there is an enemy that works against us. He will take you down the wrong roads that always start off looking good or feeling good, then all of a sudden he has you where he can have his way with you. (Because the enemy will trip you and trick you, to take you where you don’t want to go and keep you there longer than you want to stay. That’s his way!

When you choose to go your own way, you have said no to God. Telling him you can do it by yourself. Yes’ You can do it on your own, ignoring the yellow line. and maybe it wouldn’t be too late when you see the truck, but when its raining hard, you won’t even see the truck coming..

When you are saying no to God, you are saying no to his grace and his blessings.

Life is a lot harder when we do things our way.

Why is it that some people are very blessed in life while others never seem to get anywhere? In a message, Sunday at Church on the Move Pastor George examined the basis for success as described in Psalm 1. He taught: If we are going to flourish in life, we must choose right company, make right choices, and not be fooled by the wrapper of sin.

(This is a yellow line, Please, we know each of us have a free will to do what and when we want . But, we want you to know that we love you and want you to know when there is a truck around the next curve.)

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